6th annual Louis Jordan Tribute Apparently Louis Jordan, the "pioneer" the of the R&B hasn't been forgotten in his home state. In July 2002, the 6th annual Louis Jordan Tribute takes place in Little Rock/Arkansas: on 07.07. 2002 films with Louis Jordan in them will be shown in the Darragh Center and on the 8th - what would have been Louis 94th Birthday - the saxophonist and singer will be honored with a music program. Next year on Louis' 95th Birthday- in the context of the Louisiana Purchase bicentennial celebration - a bust of Louis Jordan will be unveiled in Brinkley/Arkansas, Jordan's city of birth. The bust made by artist John Deering, is sponsored by the radio show "Arkansongs" a regional radio broadcast done by KUAR FM 89. Journalist Stephen Koch, born and bread in Arkansas, is founder and supervisor of these annual Louis Jordan Tributes. As a result of Koch's initiative Louis Jordan has been indoctrinated into the Arkansas Entertainers' Hall of Fame. You
can make a donation to: Louis Jordan Memorial Fund, c/o Bank
of Brinkley, P.O. Box 727, Brinkley, AR, 72021 (USA) More about Louis Jordan in "archives" of jumpinjive.com. |
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