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Spot on ...

... Arthur "Big" Boy Crudup
"That's All Right Mama"
The 16 August 2002 is the anniversary of Elvis Presley's death, the "King of Rock and Roll" for 25th time. This is reason enough to dedicate the current "Spot on..." - article to the man, who, only through Elvis, became world-famous as the "Father Of Rock And Roll", but it was to this man, that Elvis owed his first big breakthroughs to: Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup.

More about Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup ...

... Dave Bartholomew
Dave Bartholomew: "Shrimp and Gumbo"
"Gumbo" - the musical miscellany in New Orleans, the "birth city" of jazz, is as diverse and as "hot" as is this Creole stew. Various cultures met in the "Crescent City" creating a unique symbiosis with one another. It's no wonder that the 1920 born, former Duke Ellington trumpet player, Dave Bartholomew moved to this city after WW II and established his own Band.

More about Dave Bartholomew ...

... Louis Jordan
(sorry, english text not available yet)
Louis Jordans's V-Discs

Louis Jordan spielte bereits Rhythm & Blues, als die Bezeichnung noch nicht existierte. Heute gilt er als "Urvater" dieser Stilart afro-amerikanischer Musik. Seine Aufnahmen von 1943 - 1945 für das V-Disc Program der US Army bieten einen interessanten Überblick der ersten erfolgreichen Jahre und Hits von Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five.

Mehr über die Platte ...
Mehr über Louis Jordan ...
Mehr über V-Discs ...

Concert reports

"Rock Before Elvis"
mit DJ "Kaiser L" (11 January 2003 - at "Dreikoenigskeller", Frankfurt/M, Germany)

Some pictures from the third Record Hop
"Rock Before Elvis" - From 40's Swing To 50's Rhythm & Blues
at "Dreikoenigskeller" Frankfurt/M, Germany

See the pictures...

Ray Collins' Hot-Club (06. April 2002/"Crazy Rhythm Allnighter" in Bottrop - sorry, english text not available yet)
Jumpin' jive in Bottrop: Ray Collin's Hot Club

Ray Collin's Hot Club zählt zu den besten Jump&Jive Bands in Europa - und stellte dies in Bottrop anläßlich des "Crazy Rhythm Allnighters" unter Beweis.
Silke Klein hat für Ihre Eindrücke geschildert und dieses Event mit der Kamera festgehalten.

Zum Konzertbericht ...


New Wallpaper - B. B. King!
The first jumpinjive-Wallpaper!
Motive: B. B. King

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How to do:
save *.zip in c:\windows and unpack the zip file (use right mouse button). Click "properties" with right mouse button at your desktop. Choose the unpacked file (bb_king_l.jpg/1024 x 768 or bb_king_s.jpg/800x600) in menue "background", activate "center" and click "OK".

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